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No 100004558
Title Postmen wear uniforms made of recycled PET fabric

Postmen wear uniforms made of recycled PET fabric


-Equivalent to decreased CO2 emissions of 100,000km vehicle mileage-
Korea Post under the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy announced on Monday that mail carriers nationwide will wear PET bottle recycled fiber, which is being used for drinking water or beverages, starting from the middle of this month.
Postmen uniforms to be distributed this month have been modified for the first time in six years. They are made from PET fibers that have gone through a refining process after slicing recycled PET bottles into tiny pieces.
Last year, Korea Post launched Green Post 2020 to promote Low Carbon Green Growth that helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions from post offices and postal vehicles.  In an effort to save energy and promote new green initiatives, the postal authority in Korea has introduced high efficient heating and cooling system and LED lighting to post offices. As for environmental-friendly postal vehicles, mail delivery vehicles have been changed using liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) and liquefied natural gas(LNG). This is designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% until 2020.

Up to 11 recycled PET bottles are used for a uniform, and approximately 389,000 PET are being used to manufacture 35,000 uniforms. In other words, this green clothing will be able to absorb some 22,000kg worth of CO2, one that is equivalent to decreased green house gas emissions of 100,000km vehicle mileage.
In order to absorb 22,000 kg worth of CO2, 1,300 trees in 50 years are absolutely needed. Min Namgung, President of Korea Post said, " It is quite encouraging to hear that 17,000 postmen nationwide wearing eco-friendly uniforms are the so-called eco messengers who naturally join the green campaign to advertise and promote Green Growth while they are delivering mail on a daily basis." " Korea Post plans to distribute other uniforms made of eco friendly fabrics" he added.

Author 본부관리자
Date 2010-10-12
Count 581